Activity 2: Key concepts (1)

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Activity 2 is an individual reflection activity: What do we actually mean by these terms?

The purpose of this activity is (i) to focus on some of the frequently used terminology about international classrooms and clarify possible distinctions between these terms and, in this context, (ii) to activate participants’ prior knowledge or ideas. This provides a conceptual foundation for the following activities and modules.


  • Participants are shown a slide with five terms: International classroom, English Medium Instruction, International programmes, Multicultural classroom, Multilingual classroom. They are asked to individually reflect on these terms and their meaning.
  • The facilitator then takes one or two responses for each term and clarifies the meaning in dialogue with the participants in the large group.

Resources needed

Powerpoint Slides




A key take-away message should be that international programmes are not necessarily in English, and that – in reality – these programmes may or may not have internationalised curricula with internationalised learning outcomes. Please see also the thematic introduction to this module and Activity 3 on Key concepts (2).


Approx. 10 minutes.

Possible variations

This may be done in different ways. The important thing is to allow participants to reflect individually before they respond in the large group. This also allows the more introvert participants to contribute to the discussion.