Activity 5: Mind Mapping

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Activity 5 is an individual reflection. The purposes of this activity are (i) to have participants experience mind mapping as a reflective tool; (ii) to reflect on content covered in the full EQUiiP programme (if completing the entire EQUiiP Programme) and visualise thoughts creatively; and (iii) to relate these reflections and visualisations to their own professional contexts as well as to the case study they are focusing on (EQUiiP Programme).


  • The facilitator asks participants whether they already had any experience with mind mapping and lets some volunteers report briefly.
  • The facilitator introduces the method and its benefits (slides 2 – 4).
  • Participants take an empty sheet of paper and at least two pens of different colours. They have 25 minutes to reflect on any aspects of the International Classroom or the activities and input from the EQUiiP programme (if completing the full programme) and to create a mind-map that depicts their reflections. The facilitator has to emphasize that participants may use any language they are comfortable with.
  • The facilitator invites participants to hang their mind maps on the wall so that all participants can view them in a ‘gallery’. Participants are then invited to view their colleagues’ mind maps and if applicable note down any interesting points in their learning portfolios (if completing the full EQUiiP programme).
  • In a 10-minute debriefing with the large group, participants discuss their experience with the method, perceived pros and cons of the method, and the feasibility of implementing it in their professional contexts.

Resources needed

  1. Computer connected to a projector
  2. Activity 5 PowerPoint presentation
  3. Paper
  4. Several pens in different colours
  5. Adhesive tape/magnets for the gallery


Approximately 40 minutes for brief facilitator input, individual mind mapping, the gallery, and a debriefing in the large group. This is flexible and depends on how much time the facilitator wants to dedicate to each stage of the activity.

Possible variations

  • Participants can work on mind-maps in pairs or groups.
  • The facilitator could determine the aspect that should be written in the centre of the paper.