This EQUiiP Newsletter (Summer 2019) focuses on the final conference of the EQUiiP Project, ‘From Experience to Expertise’, which took place at the University of Freiburg on 13th June 2019.
Author: EQUiiP
EQUiiP Multiplier Event at University of Copenhagen
On the 8th of May, a multiplier event took place at the University of Copenhagen. The event was organised by the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, both EQUiiP project partner universities.
The afternoon event included taster sessions of the EQUiiP modules with opportunities for hands-on participation, discussion and feedback.
We would like to thank the Copenhagen team and the Aarhus team, as well as the participants for this successful event!

EQUiiP Final Conference ¨From Experience to Expertise¨ in Freiburg on 13 June 2019
Final Conference at the University of Freiburg “From Experience to Expertise: Educational Quality at Universities for inclusive international Programmes”
EQUiiP Winter School and Transnational Meeting at Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Between 14th January and 18th January 2019, the EQUiiP project held its 6th Transnational Meeting, followed by its Winter School titled “Designing & Teaching inclusive international Programmes” hosted by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
During the Winter School, the complete EQUiiP programme was delivered for the first time to 16 participants from several countries. It was also a week of hard work for the EQUiiP project partners, who dedicated themselves to facilitating and observing the training sessions: Introduction to the International Classroom, Internationalising Course Design, Feedback & Reflective Processes, Intercultural Group Dynamics and the Role of Language.
Alongside the busy schedule, there was also room for cultural activities. The UCM team organised a visit to the Prado Museum, one of the main art museums in Spain.
We extend our warm thanks to all participants and EQUiiP project partners for a fruitful and inspiring week; and also to the colleagues at Universidad Complutense de Madrid who made the events possible.

EQUiiP Summer School and transnational meeting

Representatives of all the EQUiiP partner universities are currently at the University of Bordeaux for the transnational meeting which took place on Monday 14th May and the Summer school which started later on that day. This is an opportunity for us to try out all of the EQUiiP modules on the same group over five days and to see how they work in combination. We are lucky enough to have a fantastic group of participants who are engaged and enthusiastic and the facilitators have been getting some great feedback.
The social programme has more than made up for the cool spell that Bordeaux is currently having, with a delicious meal at the panoramic restaurant at the Cité du Vin on Monday evening, a walking tour of Bordeaux today and an evening reception in the university gardens tomorrow evening.
If you’d like to see more images of the project’s week in the Cité des Girondins, please follow us on Facebook.
EQUiiP Copenhagen meeting – January 2018

The EQUiiP team were hosted by the University of Copenhagen for their fourth Transnational meeting from 25th to 26th January 2018.
Teams from University of Groningen, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Copenhagen and Freiburg University presented early development of two modules – Facilitating Group Dynamics to enhance intercultural development and learning and Feedback and reflective practices. The group also previewed the first EQUiiP summer school, which will take place in Bordeaux in May.
Many thanks to our colleagues from University of Copenhagen for such great organisation – and good restaurant choices!Image

Module B rolled out at GCU London
Following the feedback and experience of piloting EQUiiP’s Module B in Groningen in 2017, the team of Ine Noben and Jellina Timmer form Groningen University and Helen Gallagher and Thomas Peschken from Glasgow Caledonian University revised and streamlined the delivery of Module B in consultation with the project’s management committee. Ine Noben joined Thomas Peschken at GCU London to run the enhanced Module B.

As GCU London’s Programme Leaders are re-developing part of their portfolio currently, running through Module B created some actionable outputs. They explored how they can support their peers, module leaders and tutors in designing more internationally inclusive programmes of study and constructively aligned intended international learning outcomes, activities and assessment. The workshop was highly engaging with participants and facilitators alike enjoying the enhancement-focused collegiate atmosphere.
Kevin Haines from the EQUiiP management committee observed the workshop reflecting on further facilitator requirements and fine tuning.
Thomas Peschken said: “It was great to see the module run with the target group and initiating some real impact at this point in the project!”

Ine Noben adds: “This second run gave us the opportunity to emphasize the alignment of the intended learning outcomes and different activities of module B itself. The run further highlighted the need of context-specific and timely feedback to participants.”
Trial run of Module B in Groningen
The collaboration between Ine Noben and Jellina Timmer (University of Groningen) and Thomas Peschken and Helen Gallagher (Glasgow Caledonian University) led to a fun trial run of Module B on Thursday, 26th of October in Groningen.

The collaborators brought a broad range of expertise to the team from dedicated educational developers to academic leads with educational development responsibilities. The team was truly international with four different nationalities based at campuses in Groningen, Glasgow and London.
The active day involved completing a global warming activity, role play, a TOWS reflection to think about how to support the development of IILOs on course and programme level. Participants went through the process of supporting each other as educational developers – identifying some challenges and support strategies for developing IILOs.
A case video was developed by the help of Susanne Täuber (Associate Professor at the University of Groningen) to further enrich the context and experience of module B. The day ended with highly engaged discussions on how individual institutions will need to focus on different development angles and how to take this forward.

What does the international classroom look like? (Videos)
Our colleagues at the University of Bordeaux are well-skilled in creating learning videos – and you’ll be seeing a lot more of these in the coming months. Laüra Hoskins is a real expert in this and has created these clips for us, using either just her iPhone or leaning on the expertise of her media colleagues in Bordeaux. We’re impressed!
Interim report accepted
The Interim/Progress Report for Erasmus+ project 2016-1-NL01-KA203-022921 has been accepted by the National Agency Nuffic/Erasmus+ as classified as ‘good’. A big compliment to all partners involved!