Representatives of all the EQUiiP partner universities are currently at the University of Bordeaux for the transnational meeting which took place on Monday 14th May and the Summer school which started later on that day. This is an opportunity for us to try out all of the EQUiiP modules on the same group over five days and to see how they work in combination. We are lucky enough to have a fantastic group of participants who are engaged and enthusiastic and the facilitators have been getting some great feedback.
The social programme has more than made up for the cool spell that Bordeaux is currently having, with a delicious meal at the panoramic restaurant at the Cité du Vin on Monday evening, a walking tour of Bordeaux today and an evening reception in the university gardens tomorrow evening.
If you’d like to see more images of the project’s week in the Cité des Girondins, please follow us on Facebook.