In early 2017, the EQUiiP leadership team in Groningen reviewed how the project would be structured in terms of outputs and, specifically, activity groups.
These groups will work on their activity between transnational meetings on the basis of what is discussed and agreed during each meeting. They will also contribute ‘expertise’ in their area during the meetings to ensure that there is consistency from module to module. This structure has been discussed and approved by the EQUiiP Management Committee so that preparations can be made in advance of the meeting in Aarhus. The activity groups will be implemented during the meeting at Aarhus. Overall coordination of these groups will lie with the academic coordinator at Groningen (Kevin Haines).
(1) ED professional competence profile (Outcome 1) led by Stacey Cozart (Aarhus)
A matrix with a CPD competence profile for EDs in internationalized curricula and other international programmes in HEIs will be developed in the first twenty-one months of the project. This competence matrix will list a set of essential international competences and the related behaviours/capabilities at junior, advanced and senior level. Specific criteria will be described which will then be used to ensure that the modules are aligned i.e. that in combination they cover all the competences required by EDs working in the international curriculum. The matrix also ensures that where a certain competence is covered by more modules, there is a designed progression in the level of the competence, and that any overlap between modules has been considered and deemed necessary. The matrix will provide the developers of the various modules with a consistent point of reference throughout this project and will allow the project management to check whether the modules are fit-for-purpose in terms of their content.
(2) EQUiiP Manual (Outputs 7&9) led jointly by Joyce Kling (Copenhagen) and Joanne Pagèze (Bordeaux)
The project partners will produce a manual that can be used by HEIs when running the modules either separately or in the integrated programme. The manual will become a key feature of the EQUiiP platform (EQUiiP.eu), and will also provide a resource for the delivery of EQUiiP workshops during and after the project. The manual will include descriptions of the activities and core materials and tools in each module. It will also contain supporting sections on ‘tips and tricks’ for EDs and FAQs as well as a glossary of key terminology or jargon and links to essential and recommended reading.
(3) Research and publications (Outputs 10&11) led by Emma Dafouz (Madrid)
Academic articles reporting on the findings of the implementation of this project will be submitted to international journals (e.g. Language and Education, Teaching in Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Applied Linguistics, etc) so that, in addition to the educational audience, this work reaches a wider research community. Concurrently, the publication of academic papers would help to problematize and develop our conceptual understanding of the issues stated in this project (Internationalization, Educational Quality, Inclusion and Higher Education) and could serve as theoretical anchorage for other research in this area.
(4) Online platform (website & communication) (Output 8) led by Julie Adair (Glasgow)
After the transnational short staff training, work will begin on an online platform (EQUiiP.eu) which will be developed during the period of evaluation and be made available in a Beta version at the Winter School. The platform will be adapted after the Winter School and refined so that it can be formally launched at the transnational final conference.