Following the feedback and experience of piloting EQUiiP’s Module B in Groningen in 2017, the team of Ine Noben and Jellina Timmer form Groningen University and Helen Gallagher and Thomas Peschken from Glasgow Caledonian University revised and streamlined the delivery of Module B in consultation with the project’s management committee. Ine Noben joined Thomas Peschken at GCU London to run the enhanced Module B.

As GCU London’s Programme Leaders are re-developing part of their portfolio currently, running through Module B created some actionable outputs. They explored how they can support their peers, module leaders and tutors in designing more internationally inclusive programmes of study and constructively aligned intended international learning outcomes, activities and assessment. The workshop was highly engaging with participants and facilitators alike enjoying the enhancement-focused collegiate atmosphere.
Kevin Haines from the EQUiiP management committee observed the workshop reflecting on further facilitator requirements and fine tuning.
Thomas Peschken said: “It was great to see the module run with the target group and initiating some real impact at this point in the project!”

Ine Noben adds: “This second run gave us the opportunity to emphasize the alignment of the intended learning outcomes and different activities of module B itself. The run further highlighted the need of context-specific and timely feedback to participants.”