The collaboration between Ine Noben and Jellina Timmer (University of Groningen) and Thomas Peschken and Helen Gallagher (Glasgow Caledonian University) led to a fun trial run of Module B on Thursday, 26th of October in Groningen.

The collaborators brought a broad range of expertise to the team from dedicated educational developers to academic leads with educational development responsibilities. The team was truly international with four different nationalities based at campuses in Groningen, Glasgow and London.
The active day involved completing a global warming activity, role play, a TOWS reflection to think about how to support the development of IILOs on course and programme level. Participants went through the process of supporting each other as educational developers – identifying some challenges and support strategies for developing IILOs.
A case video was developed by the help of Susanne Täuber (Associate Professor at the University of Groningen) to further enrich the context and experience of module B. The day ended with highly engaged discussions on how individual institutions will need to focus on different development angles and how to take this forward.